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About Bonny K. Goetz

Want to know one of the most interesting things about me? I have 15 Godchildren! Why so many children you might ask? I believe this stems from my less than humble beginnings which (thankfully) led to my desire to protect and rescue humanity.

You see, I am the youngest of 8 children and was raised by a mother with mental illness. We became homeless, lost all our belongings, and ended up living in a bus (while I was in high school). While this is clearly not a childhood I would care to endorse, this is the foundation from which my strength and courage was born.

Rather than follow the bleak path my siblings took (constantly in and out of trouble) I decided to take control and overcome impossible odds. I worked hard, went to college on nights and weekends and vowed to be a positive influence in life. My client roster extends from those who never thought they could ever buy a home, to those who own several.

This is the drive and passion I bring into being a Real Estate Professional! My success is rooted in one simple aspiration… I WANT EVERYONE TO ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF HOMEOWNERSHIP AND THE STABILITY IT CAN BRING TO ONE’S LIFE! End of Story.

I treat my clients like family. I am grateful for the generosity of friendship that I receive and in return I am a collaborator and supporter for all my clients. I have overcome so many obstacles in my life, which have led me to (gratefully) find joy in the basics (like homeownership). Nothing will stand in the way of selling or finding the right home for you.

The muscle I lead with is my heart, and if you are looking for a compassionate, authentic, and sincere Real Estate Professional (Friend), call me!


Bonny K. Goetz

(805) 886-5543

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Teach your Kids to write
Thank you cards


I will forever be a fan of a well-written thank you card. As much as I love the convenience of email, texting, and social media, there’s something about the thank you card—it’s one of the few lasting signs of good manners. And thankfully, it’s an easy skill to master, even for your kids. That’s one of the reasons thank you cards have remained as we’ve ditched other etiquette rules. They are quick to write and can be relatively informal, but they still show more consideration than a text message.

It’s easy to make writing a thoughtful note a habit for your kids. Get them started early, and they’ll likely keep it up for the rest of their lives. Follow these three steps to write a simple and sincere note.


Okay, this is kind of a no-brainer, but first and foremost say thank you for the gift, and be sure to mention what it is. If your child received the gift in person, at a birthday party, for example, be sure to have them say thank you for attending the party as well.


If it’s a toy, have your child share how they’ve been playing with it. If it’s a book, have them share their favorite part of the story so far. For younger children, if you’re actually writing the note have them do a drawing or include some kind of artwork to make the thank you card more personalized—grandparents especially love this.


Have your child end the note with the wish to play with the toy or read the book the next time he or she sees the giver. What’s better than sharing the enjoyment of a gift with the person who gave it? One slight deviation to this rule is if someone gives your child money for his or her birthday. In that case, have them write how they plan to spend it or what they are saving it for.​


Dear Grandma,
Thank you so much for the latest Templeton Twins mystery. I loved reading the first book with you at Christmas. I can’t wait to tell you about this one on the phone when Mom and I finish it. I love you.


​Dear Max,
Thank you for coming to my birthday party. I was glad you got to meet my friends from school. Thanks for the Lego Builder set. Let’s put it together next time you come over after swimming.


Inspire a Child to Read

Read to them often

Five Quick Tips to Inspire a Child’s Love of Books:

1. Read Often: Don’t reserve reading time just for bedtime. Read throughout the day as part of your daily routine.

2. Be an Example: Instead of playing on your iPad or watching TV, read a book or magazine. Show your child that you, too, love reading.

3. Talk about Books: Have your child retell his or her favorite stories, even prompt your child to share a summary of the story with friends and loved ones.

4. Create a Reading Log: Write down every book you read in a notebook over the years. Every so often, flip back to see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve accomplished along the way!

5. Put His or Her Name In It: How cool would it be for your child to read a book that features him or her as the main character?!? I See Me! makes this possible with its personalized storybooks where your child is the star of each adventure.

Pup Tents & PJ's


Reservations can be made through email,  text or telephone.


 Once availability is confirmed, bookings are held with a 50% non-refundable deposit that goes towards your final balance.


Invoices are sent via email after availability is confirmed and will remain valid for 24 hours.

If you need your invoice extended, please let me know.


The remaining balance is due the day BEFORE the event via Venmo, Cash or check.  


All events should be booked at least 2 weeks in advance.

If this is a donated party, please let me know where this donation came from.  


The overall size of the tent and the twin air mattress combo is approximately 40”W x 80”L. We can arrange the tents in many different configurations to make them fit in most spaces.


Please be sure to have an open, clean and clutter free space with all furniture moved BEFORE arrival. 


If we are forced to move furniture for any reason in order to setup, there will be a $25 fee. Please have all furniture out of the room by the time the crew arrives to setup.


We give special attention to the cleaning process because we believe it is extremely important to know kids are sleeping in a crisp, clean and sanitized place.


All items used routinely for our sleepovers pass through a rigorous cleaning process after every single use. After each party, our linens are immediately washed in hot water.   After the cleaning is complete, the items are stored in plastic containers with locking lids until the next use.


Every package comes with Tents, Canopies, Twin Inflatable Air Mattresses, Air Pump, Fitted Sheets, Blankets, Bed Trays & Lanterns with tea lights. If the tents are going to be setup on any other type flooring other than carpet please let us know when booking so we can provide grip for the tents to prevent slipping and sliding on slick floors like ceramic tile and hardwood flooring.  Fairy lights and swag


Setup generally takes 60 minutes depending on how many tents will be setup. Breakdown and pickup is usually very quick between 30-45 minutes.

Please be sure to have all trash, personal items, leftover snacks and accidental spills or craft remnants on trays cleaned up in and around the tent area before we arrive to breakdown to make the process easy and quick. 


Ages 5 & up


 If you choose to DIY your package then we will deliver everything needed to your front door so you will have all you need to setup the ultimate slumber party. 

1. Unfold the tents and place in the configuration that best fits your space. Be sure you will have a small walk space to access the tents. 

2. Find the air pump in the bin provided and lay out your air mattresses on top of each other. Screw the caps as tight as you can and pop open the cap to insert the air pump tip into the valve and begin to air up the mattress. Air it up until it’s firm. Be sure the cap is screwed on tight once again. 

3. Remove the freshly laundered fitted sheets and place them on the air mattress. Slide the air mattress under the tent. Be sure to pull them tight removing any wrinkles they may have from the bin.

4. Add blankets and pillows, then trays and lanterns. Be sure to neatly tuck the blankets for a crisp and clean uniform look. You can leave the trays folded or unfold and lock them into place depending on how much space you have. 

5. If the tents are on any other flooring besides carpet you will need to add the deflated balloons provided (if requested) to place over the tent legs to create a grip on the flooring so the tents don’t slip and slide. 

6. And WHALAA! You did it!!! So simple and easy. Tent setup should take about 8 mins to setup. Breakdown is even quicker. 

When breaking down gather all linens- sheets and blankets pile them together and place inside the bin with the lanterns.


Deflate the air mattresses by unscrewing the caps or pulling the double tab. Mattress style may vary. Once the air is out please fold them to the best of your ability and place into the tub.

Toss all pillows back into the large clear tote bag and place back out near your front door with the tents and we will swing by at some point during the pickup window and pick it up sometime between noon-4pm. Please have all items out by noon for pickup the next day.


Pickup times will vary depending on what time we discuss.   


 Please be sure that ALL items are returned


All items rented to you must be accounted for once picked up.


Please be sure all items are returned in the same manner they were received. If you should have ANY issues with setup or return packing, feel free to contact us


What is a Slumber-Under?

 A slumber-under is a faux sleepover party for kids who are still too young for an overnight sleepover. Slumber unders are becoming extremely popular.

Kids are invited over to enjoy all the fun slumber party activities, but parents come and pick up before bedtime. This package is perfect for families who don't do sleepovers. 

*Slumber Under Rentals are available all day and delivered between 9am-11am then picked up the same evening between 6pm-8pm. 


Our Snooze Slumber Under Package includes: 

-Themed Sleep Under of your choice

-Handcrafted A-Frame Tents with Custom Fabric Canopies

-Twin Air Mattresses & Electric Air Pump

-Freshly Laundered Fitted Sheets

-Cozy Blankets

-Adjustable Bed Trays

-Lanterns with flame-less tea light candles

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